PLC Smart Lighting Control System
Power Line Smart Lighting Control System
- SMART Lighting Control System PLC
You can choose PLC System if:
● Radio control is prohibited by state regulations.● Radio connection is hindered by some physical obstacles that cannot be avoided.
● Street-light luminary design forbids installation of 13 cm protruding antenna of radio module (decorative luminaries, historic significance)
● PLC Smart Lighting Control System is a technology for remote control and statusdata transmission via AC power lines developed by BERSN.
● PoLINE provides communication between one concentrator (gateway) and a number of node controllers. Every node has unique number, which allows the concentator (gateway) to address each one of them individually. The gateway also creates a network of nodes connected to the same power line by continuously polling nodes for their statusand sending commands to an individual node,group of nodes or to the entire network.
Hardwire - PLC Smart Lighting Control System
● PLC node controller, installed into the housing of each luminaire, and controlled by Concentrator via PLC. Provide load control (on/off) as well as dimming function on luminaires.
- SMART Lighting Control System PLC l Functions
- PLC Concentrator
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